You’re an Artist

Tell us your story by applying for an

I AM… Grant

Individual Artist Mini Grants

Since 1987, the Florence Regional Arts Alliance has awarded over $421,442 in support grants to artists and arts organizations. In 2023-24 the FRAA introduced a new support grant for artists, Individual Artist Mini Grants. This program is funded by HONDA.


Round ONE is closed. Round ONE is for projects beginning in October 2024.

Round TWO will open November 1, 2024 through January 15, 2025. Round TWO is for projects beginning in February 2025.

All Grant Periods End June 30, 2025.


To provide support for individual artists activities that promote an individual artists professional development or career advancement. Some examples of such activities include:

  • The creation of new work

  • Purchase of needed equipment or materials

  • Travel expense support associated professional opportunities such as transport of artist and work for exhibitions, lectures, or performances; artist participation in conferences, workshops, or residencies.

  • Development of professional materials and/or services such as websites, self publish documentations, designing or videos.



Must be over the age of 18 and practicing artists in the visual arts, dance, music, literature, theatre, or multi-disciplinary areas and reside or work Florence County. Grantee may be a student.



Individual Artists may apply up to $800 per award.  Grant funds are to be used for actual project costs, defined as consumable and non-consumable items needed to complete the proposed project.  Grant funds cannot be used for ordinary living expenses, school tuition, salary or stipend for grantee, or food, beverages, alcohol, catering services.



No matching requirements


Grant Period & Deadline

Applications for Round ONE are open until September 15, 2024. Round ONE is for projects beginning in October 2024.

Applications for Round TWO will open November 1, 2024 through January 15, 2025. Round TWO is for projects beginning in February 2025.

All Grant Periods End June 30, 2025.


The application process requires applicants make a presentation to FRAA’s Grants Dispersal Committee.  If your project is selected for a presentation, you will be notified shortly after the application deadline.

Additional Requirements

As an additional requirement within the application the grantee must share how the artists will tell their story. 


Applicants will be notified of their application’s status within one week of the Grants Dispersal Committee’s meeting.

Any applicant that is not satisfied with their grant award is entitled to file an appeal. Appeals must be made within one week of the funding notification. The appeal will be heard by the Board of Directors at their next scheduled meeting. The decision of the Board of Directors is final.

Payment of awarded grants is done on a reimbursement basis. Payments are issued after the acceptance of a final report.  Final reports are due within 30 days of the end date of the granted activity or June 30th, whichever date comes first.

Click the FINAL REPORT Button at the bottom of this page to complete a final report for awards received in 2024/25.


Evaluation Information

Applications are reviewed by a panel of community members which consists of one Florence Regional Arts Alliance Board Member.


Any questions about FRAA’s Individual Artists Mini Grant contact executive director, Sandra Cook at or 843.407.3092.


Betty Ann Darby Scholarship


Artist Registry